Workshops – THATCamp Publishing 2013 The Humanities and Technology Camp Wed, 19 Jun 2013 18:40:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Workshop: Let’s Make a (Book) Deal Mon, 17 Jun 2013 13:59:56 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

I'm willing to offer a free hands-on workshop on how to use PressBooks, an open-source tool that transforms WordPress content into publications for print and digital devices, including PDF, web-book, Mobi (for Kindle), and ePUB (for iBooks, Nook, etc.) 

Anyone interested in this session may register ahead of time for a free account at
and ideally, bring a laptop or tablet, or share with another person who has one.

In addition to walking participants through the steps of creating & exporting their own books with PressBooks, I can also share more about:
– how to pair CommentPress and PressBooks for a WordPress-based developmental editing & publishing workflow
– requirements for installing both tools on your own self-hosted site
– how Anvil Academic will offer these tools to authors for open-access, peer-reviewed scholarly publishing
– how to suggest improvements to the developers of CommentPress and PressBooks
Learn more at

So what's the deal? In exchange for this free workshop, I'd ask participants to visit and comment on our digital book-in-progress, Web Writing: Why & How for Liberal Arts Teaching & Learning. This open-access edited volume explores why & how faculty and students use web-based authoring, annotating, and publishing tools in the liberal arts, and demonstrates a case example of CommentPress and PressBooks. Call for Participation for the Idea & Essay Proposal phase (200-300 words) ends on June 22nd, 2013, but full drafts (1,000-4,000 words) are not due until August 15th. The Center for Teaching & Learning at Trinity College will award $300 subventions to 5 outstanding proposals, with preference given to authors in greater financial need (e.g. students or faculty not in full-time, tenure-track positions). Learn about our editorial process and timeline for the Fall 2013 open peer review and freely-accessible digital publication, possibly with a scholarly press, at:
